Proximity - Adrenaline Mixtape [Free Download]

адреналин crfxfnm - Proximity - Adrenaline Mixtape [Free Download]

Free download here! :) - •Proximity - Your favorite music you haven't heard yet. » Facebook: » Twitter: Great mix created by Carlos Besa. Incorporate a shit ton of tunes that unfortunately I would get whipped if I uploaded and many songs that indeed have been put up on the channel. It's a great mix of a bunch of up beat songs, hence the name ADRENALINE. Use it to work out, or pre-game before any party. I hope you all enjoy the free download as well! ;) •Song used in the video is: Tristam - Truth Picture by: Crowned Download: If you'd like to submit a picture, you can send it here: Use the new template if you would like to submit a picture! :)

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